Frequently Asked Questions

Is TypeStyler 11 compatible with macOS 10.15 Catalina or later?

No. The current version of TypeStyler 11.6 is only compatible through Mac OS 10.14.x (Mojave). No newer version is available.

Is TypeStyler 11 compatible with Mac OS X Mojave?

Yes and no, the current Mac App Store version (v11.4) is compatible with El Capitan. If you have a non-Mac App Store version of TypeStyler 11 that was purchased direct from Strider Software there is a Free Update that resolves the launching issue some users had.

All users are able to run TypeStyler 11.6 up to the latest Mac OS release 10.14.x (Mojave) .

Until the Mac App Store version is available Mac App Store purchasers should contact us with proof of purchase to convert to a non-App Store version.

What about TypeStyler 10, is it compatible with Mac OS X Yosemite?

No, TypeStyler 10 (v10.6.75) is compatible on Macs running mac OS 10.4.11 through 10.7.x.

If you try launching TypeStyler 10 and are running Mac OS 10.10 Yosemite the TypeStyler icon will bounce on your dock and fail to launch.

If you purchased TypeStyler 10 prior to November of 2012 you will need to purchase the latest release of TypeStyler 11.

Can I download the TypeStyler Video Tutorials?

Yes, you can access the set of video tutorials here: Video Tutorials

In addition to the Tutorials is there an html based help page?

Yes, you can access the html based Help here:

I updated to Mac OS 10.7 Lion and the TypeStyler 10 (v10.6.75) icon is bouncing on my Dock but TypeStyler won't launch - now what?

If you have tried launching TypeStyler and only have a bouncing TS icon in your Dock there is a damaged file that needs to be removed. There are 2 locations the damaged file may be located. Once the files are removed the System will create a new undamaged file.

  1. You will need to Force Quit TypeStyler.
  2. From the Finder press the Option key while clicking on Go from the menu bar then select Library from the menu.
  3. Open the folder named Icons. There is a file named Webpageicons.db - drag this file to the trash.
  4. While still in the Library folder open the folder named Safari. In this folder is also a folder named Icons. In this Icons folder is another file named Webpageicons.db - drag this file to the trash.

You should now be able to launch TypeStyler 10.6.75 successfully in Lion.

I've done this and TypeStyler still won't launch - now what?

In this case the solution is to throw away your current TypeStyler and replace it with a fresh copy of the latest TypeStyler. Click here to download the latest TypeStyler now.

Please contact us if you have trouble, but we haven't had any reports that a restart or reinstall has not resolved.